Thursday, July 10, 2014

Our First Post

Hi friends and beautiful ladies!

Today is the day we finally step into the world of blogging. We know there are a lot of bloggers out there and we don't intend to be the best or most creative but we want to at least have fun with this experience and see where it goes. I am a registered nurse but since I am in the process of looking for a job and tend to have a lot of free time, I decided to indulge in a few other passions of mine and document it along the way. 
A few of those passions you will see on here is learning new recipes through cooking, baking, and juicing. I love healthy eating but I don't believe eating healthy means losing the flavors that you enjoy. So my job will be to learn new recipes that my husband will not even notice are healthy. I am starting tonight with turkey meatballs (we will see if he notices that they are turkey.) 
Along with cooking I would say my other favorite "hobby" is travel. My husband and I take every chance we get to explore a new place. We believe there is no better use of time or money than making memories discovering new areas, appreciating the world's beauty, learning about cultures, and meeting new people. I guess you could say "Eat Well,Travel Often" is our marriage life quote and I think it is a good one to have. 
Lastly I love learning and researching about healthy lifestyles. I have always been this way hence why I probably leaned towards the medical field. So my final section on this blog will be anything new I have researched lately that can help increase our healthy living. I am not an extremist and I don't personally believe that is the best way to go. My belief is everything in moderation. Do your best and forget the rest. 
I am very excited to start this new chapter of blogging and I couldn't ask for better girls to go through this journey with. 

With Love, 

Hi Everyone!

I am so excited to be starting this blogging journey as I am also beginning an exciting new chapter of life after college.  I recently graduated from the University of Florida with my master’s degree in Elementary Education and I am beginning my first year of teaching.  I’ve always wanted to start blogging but I never felt like I had the confidence to start one on my own.  I was so excited when Erika and Lexi wanted to start one together.
When I am not busy at school with my 2nd graders, I will be blogging about some of the things I love.  One of those things has been picking out furniture and decorations for my new apartment.  Although I am no expert, I have enjoyed interior design and decorating for as long as I can remember.  I’ll be moving in with my 2 roommates in a couple weeks and posting pictures of some of those projects I have been working on.
I am also one who loves to travel however I always end up taking way to many pictures.  I recently got back from a trip to London and fell in love with the city.  But when it comes down to it, I am happiest when I am in the mountains and closest to nature.  Having my summers off to travel is one of the great things about being a teacher.  Hopefully I will find time during the school year to take some weekend trips and blog about my adventures.
Thanks for coming along with us on this blogging journey.  Always feel free to leave comments. We’d love to hear your feedback.



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