Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Lifestyle ↣ Water Addiction

My obsession of the month is flavored sparkling water. We all know we are suppose to be drinking much more water every day than most of us do. There are a million health reasons why we should be trying to drink more but here are just a few:

        • It cleanses the body and helps to flush out harmful toxins
        • Hydrates your skin and keeps it glowing beautifully
        • Aids in digestion and helps decrease bloating
        • Can help control calories and keep us feeling full longer

Drinking a lot of water throughout the day can also be an easy way to balance our weight and eating habits. However, it's hard to get in that amount of water without making a conscious effort of doing so. I have been trying to make it a goal lately to intentionally drink more water throughout my day and the days that I do drink more, I really can feel a difference. I'm writing down a few of my tips that help me get all this water down. 
 Every morning I try and drink a glass of lemon water as soon as I wake up
 Always have a water bottle on you. At all times! When you are at home or whenever you leave to go somewhere, even just a quick errand. You'll be surprised how much more you drink just having water available.
 I love adding fresh lemons or limes to my water and to make it easy I put some in a pitcher in the fridge ready whenever I want a glass ( I like to make it, then let the pitcher sit for a few hours to allow the flavors to infuse) 
 You can also make your own combinations of flavored water that you will enjoy
Here are a few flavors to try but feel free to get creative and make up your own: 
     And back to my latest obsession - Flavored sparkling water. It tastes like a treat and I love being able to grab something sweet to drink without the guilt. They sell a ton of different flavors (I am drinking the cran-raspberry this week). It has been an easy way for me to drink and enjoy even more water. 
Good luck with your water addiction and I hope some of these tips help and encourage you all to keep drinking more water throughout the day! 

With love,

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